Because interest rates have increased substantially, you can get much more income from your retirement savings than last year by including annuities in your retirement income plan. With the right plan for retirement income that allocates between guaranteed annuity income and income-focused investments, you can generate more income, lower your taxes, reduce your risk and potentially increase your legacy. See how you can increase your retirement income and reduce your risk with a free Go2Income plan.
Please fill in your savings and other information and we’ll prepare your Personalized Plan. It will show you how to combine income from investments and annuities for better retirement results.
To elect IRA2Income, set % Rollover IRA to 100%; to elect Savings2Income, set % Rollover IRA to 0%.
Retirement income planning that focuses on the sources of income - dividends, interest, IRA withdrawals and annuity payments - in contrast to planning based on asset allocation.
A Plan, based on the assumptions you provide, illustrates your sources of income and account value over your lifetime. Also, provides a suggested allocation of your Retirement Savings, as well as a measure of the risk of the Plan. A Plan should not be static and should be managed over time.
Amount of savings you are willing to devote to generation of retirement income; typically excludes reserve funds for emergencies or special future purchases. Savings are split between your Rollover IRA and Personal (after-tax) savings.
The amount of your retirement savings that you leave your beneficiaries, exclusive of any life insurance, property and other possessions. It will include any beneficiary protection under an income annuity.
The amount of your savings generally measured by your Account Value you access for planned and unplanned withdrawals. The latter will impact your Legacy and may impact your ongoing retirement income.
Jerry Golden founded Golden Retirement, LLC (GR) and organized its two subsidiaries Golden Retirement Advisors, Inc, (GRA), a registered investment advisor, and the 2Income Annuity Group, Inc (2IAG), a life insurance and annuity agency, to deliver a Plan for Retirement Income with more income and less risk.
GR developed which, among other things, integrates annuity payments into Income Allocation planning. By combining both online planning with support from Advisor-Counselors, GR can deliver and manage these plans at a lower cost than traditional retirement income plans. Further, the Income Allocation planning can dramatically reduce an investor's retirement tax rate.
Jerry has appeared on CNN, Fox News, and Bloomberg Radio, and he and his research have been featured in many leading financial publications, including Kiplinger's Retirement Report, Financial Planning, Investment News, as well as numerous consumer-oriented publications and daily newspapers. His proposal for Social Security reform appeared in Bloomberg News online.
Over sixty of his blogs have been published on Jerry has two patents around income planning and income annuities. He founded Golden American Life Insurance Company and held executive positions at Mass Mutual, Equitable Life, and Monarch Life.